Vintage Young Women in Excellence theme
I enjoyed a fun night with the gorgeous Young Women in my ward. The best part was not having to decorate or be in charge of the program like I was for New Beginnings (; Okay, the best part was the amazing program but it was nice to enjoy the ride this time around. What is YWIE, you may ask? Read about it here. And check back on Sunday when we’ll spill why so many bloggers are Mormon, including us!! (; The theme for the night was simple: value colors were displayed and there were touches of rustic accessories all around. Such a pretty vintage Young Women in Excellence theme, the Laurels did a phenomenal job!
One simple touch they added was setting up 8 tables covered with white clothes, plus 8 different accent fabric accents laid on top to represent each value color. There was a value with the definition on each table and the girls set up their display on the table according to the value it fell under. Brilliant. {Note: free value prints via Holy Handouts!}
I love it! And I love that my YW President insisted on these exact frames. They are so perfect for the amazing pictures that she took of these girls. My president, Jennette Jenkins, had this idea in her head to photograph the girls in front of the new Gilbert Temple (opening next year, we live across the street from it, lucky us!!). She then photo-shopped “I’m going there someday” and put all their names on their individual photos. They’re just gorgeous. And if you’re a local, check out Jennette’s amazing work.
Are you dying over these frames?! I know, they’re SO cute huh?? They’re from Cut It Out Already, our fav frame supplier! The owner is a major stud, so kind and generous. We ordered 45 frames for our many, many young women and I painted them all in 1 day, the day of the program. That’s got to be a record right? (;
Cut It Out Already has a ton of styles for these funky frames! We chose Chandler since they’d balance well when we propped them up (with a hymn book, lol!-the frames come with keyhole cut outs to hang…not a stand, fyi). We’ve used these same frames for our pop tab trick photo wall:
And Kristi’s gallery wall:
Uhm…we’re sort of obsessed, we also used it for my daughter’s easy chicken wire frame:
And after I re-did that same daughter’s room, I used one for her gallery wall:
We’re obviously big fans of Cut it Out Already, and I promise you if you order from them, you will not be disappointed! Great quality and amazing prices. And no, I didn’t get paid and didn’t get free product to say this, we truly love CIOA’s work!
I love being in the Young Women’s presidency. And ironically, Kristi just called into the presidency in her ward as well. It’s an amazing opportunity to work with the youth in our church, they’re such amazing girls and I’m so honored my Heavenly Father trusts me to teach them. Two of my amazing girls with me, love them all! I have 20 Beehives I’m in charge of, and I love them each so much!
Like I mentioned before, come back on Sunday for more details on why so many of us bloggers are Mormon and why we love can’t live without it! XO
ps: If you’re looking for 2013 binder covers, Kristi created gorgeous ones. Girls camp and New Beginnings were fun too (; And check out our list of always growing YW, Girls Camp, Mormon and Handout ideas on Pinterest!
could you share the file with the value print-outs you used?
Thanks for pointing that out, those are from Holy Handouts, free for use (:
Love this site!
I was wondering if you would mind sharing where you got the adorable framed “You Are My Sunshine” print from your Daughter’s gallery wall. I LOVE it! I sang both of my boys that as I rocked them to sleep at night while they were still babies and would love to put a print in each of their rooms, but in blue maybe.
We got it from Hobby Lobby sells them too! (:
Awesome YWIE!!! We are about to do ours combined with the new beginnings because we just got all new presidency in our ward right before the holidays!!! We also are doing the vintage theme, it’s gonnna be awesome. Burlap, old windows, brown craft paper, doilies, milk vases, the whole 9 yards!! I wish I had a blog to blog everything…..need to get that started this year!! Thanks for sharing love your blog!
Love the picture idea. Need to talk to you about it! 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing!
I am a new blogger and I am also a Mormon. I LOVE the Young Women Program. You inspire me with how much you share the Church and our believes. Thank you for ALL you do. You are truly AMAZING and I have no doubt your an AMAZING Y.W. Leader.
Wanda Ann
20 beehives!!!!! That is AMAZING. We have um…like 5 girls total. (Another reason my husband keeps trying to talk me into moving to Arizona) Crazy. What a beautiful evening. I am in love with the frames and the girl’s pictures in front of the Gilbert temple. The pictures are just fabulous. She is an amazing photographer. What a treasure for those girls. I am keeping tabs on this idea in case I ever end up in YWs.