I was recently called to serve in my church‘s Young Women presidency, which means I get to work with the female youth, ages 12-18… lots of babysitters to choose from, right? 😉
Each January we introduce the new year’s theme/goals and welcome the girls that are entering into YW. Since this year’s theme is Arise and Shine Forth, we decided on sunshinedecor for the program:
{Table display where we would be speaking}
There’s ME!
Eek! My 1st time welcoming a large group, but l u c k i l y, everything went smoothly. Phew!
Here’s a peek at our sunshine ray program outline that we coordinated with the invites:
We also had a twist of sunflowers throughout the night since our YW President compared sunflowers to shining bright. She likened sunflowers’ habits of following the sun to the girls, they have that ability to always follow God and choose to shine. So these sunflower cupcakes from Sam’s Club were perfect, our president’s daughter glittered them as well…so cute.
And what night would be complete without goodie bags to take home?
{Bags of yellow gumballs for each YW to keep}
“Chews to Shine”
Did you notice these book page wreaths poking out in the pictures?
Angela & Bryan, you are also a no-reply commenter so we can't reply via e-mail… darn it. Email us at [email protected] and we'll give you specific details for the banner. It's burplap, btw 😉
I'm still getting my NB ready. I wanted to do an "Arise and Shine" Breakfast but couldn't find the perfect program to go with it. So glad to have found this!! Thanks
Angela & Bryan, you are also a no-reply commenter so we can't reply via e-mail… darn it. Email us at [email protected] and we'll give you specific details for the banner. It's burplap, btw 😉
I would LOVE to know how you made your "Choose to Shine" banner! Is that brown felt or something else? It all looks amazing!
Hi Megan,
You are a no-rely commenter so we can't reach you but the artist is Mark Mabry. Check out his site here 🙂
Does anyone know the name of the picture and/or artist of the picture of Christ of the display table? Thanks!
I'm still getting my NB ready. I wanted to do an "Arise and Shine" Breakfast but couldn't find the perfect program to go with it. So glad to have found this!! Thanks
So fun! I LOVED being in the yw presidency. Definitely a busy calling, but so fun! Love the "budget" friendly idea too. 😉
Oh yah and you know I pinned those cupcakes! Ha ha ha!
Oooh those sunflower cupcakes look delish! I love my some thick frosting 😉 And everything looks so pretty put together!
Sister Mullins it was AWESOME!!! I love you and your twin and your kids and your blog!!!!
Everything looks so beautiful. Well done!
So cute! I had to help my Step mom with her NB. I made sunshine cupcakes with lemon curd… yum!
I can't wait to see the tutorial.
YAY!!! I've been waiting for this! Thanks so much for all the great ideas! I'm sooo excited!
ps. love you