2013 Young Womens Binder Covers
Kelli and I both work with the youth in our church’s Young Womens program and were excited when we heard an announcement for the 2013 mutual theme:
“Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord” -D&C 87:8
Note: Cute temple image credit Jenny Smith @ Mormon Share
To us, this means new binder covers! Come January, I will be swapping out my existing cover for this one created by yours truly…
Of course, I made one for the rest of my presidency and each class (Laurels, Mia Maids and those cute little Beehives) aaaaaaaand I even have a design for the amazing advisors. Take a peek at the YW presidency set:
Ohhhhhkay you guys, I went a little crazy in photoshop and even created sets in Español for those who speak Spanish:
(A big thanks to our pal Desi @ The 36th Avenue for helping us properly translate- besos!)
A sweet reader requested a copy in French! This is now a trilingual printable, folks! LOL (;
Download the French files here.
Updated: Due to popular requests, files also include a blank page [as seen above] and the Stake YW Presidency, including the Camp Director AND even a Personal Progress leader. ALL available for free downloading here. Enjoy! We’ve also created a binder cover for Primary by request:
Click HERE to download Primary logo and/or binder covers.
We love the fresh clean look of these binder covers and hope you do, too! We would so appreciate you subscribing to our RSS Feed in exchange for the FREE printables… this way you can get our latest YW projects & printables straight into your inbox 😉
Click HERE to download in English & HERE to download in Spanish
Print in 8.5 x 11 and enjoy!
PS: In case you’re wondering what the heck YW means, what Mutual is or have other questions about our faith, you can learn why we (and 29 other mommy bloggers) are Mormon and what we all believe and shared HERE.
Oh, and you can get a free book in the process 😉
PPS: If you’re in AZ, hope you’re keeping up with us on FB for deets on our upcoming craft night! XOXO
PPPS: Here’s what we did for Young Women in Excellence, Girls Camp and New Beginnings! And check out our list of always growing YW, Girls Camp, Mormon and Handout ideas on Pinterest!
Hi from Guatemala! Those binder covers are amazing! So cute! BUT I’ve got a problem… Where can I download them in spanish? Thanks! 🙂
Thank you, Monica! The link is in the post but here it is again! 😉 https://app.box.com/s/h240usc8330q4mtig8yv
PS: We’ll be sharing our 2014 YW binder covers next week in English, Spanish & French. Stay tuned!
😉 xoxo
Hi, I wanted to use these for my presidency but I can’t seem to find the Beehive president cover. Is there one?
Yep, it’s in there. Here’s the link to the Beehive president specifically. 🙂
Thank you for the french option! I live in France and just got called into the YW presidency and anything I can find in French is so exciting! Thanks!!
You’re most welcome! It was per request and I am so glad we were able to comply! We’ll be sharing our new set later this month in English, Spanish and again, French so plan on those being updated, if you want the new style. 😉
Thanks bunches! I just got a new class presidency, and I’m finally getting them real binders instead of those little paper folders 🙂
Oh my goodness …. thank you so much! These are so cute. Printing them now for our Stake YW meeting tomorrow. You and your sister are adorable by the way! Thanks for sharing your many talents 🙂
I love your style! I would really love to find one of these in French! I know you did Spanish. But any possible way you could do French? Being in France beautiful things like this are hard to come by. I realize you are probably super busy and if you cannot fulfill this request, I understand. Just thought I’d take a chance. Thanks for all you do!!! Merci!
Here’s the translation:
Tenez-vous en des lieux saint
Doctrines et Alliances 87:8
I just got called into the Stake YW so thank you!
Hi! These are great! I’m having touble finding the link for the ones in Spanish?
hola quisiera descargar las portadas para las carpetas con el lema de la mutual 2013 pero no encuentro el enlace de las que estan en idioma español. Gracias me encanta tu trabajo
Gracias por sus amables palabras! Puede descargar las carpeta Español cubiertas aquí: https://www.box.com/s/h240usc8330q4mtig8yv
Disfrutar! (:
Just LOVE it all. I have downloaded what I need, but when it prints there are 4 thin black lines that go throughout the document. Is it something I am doing wrong. When I look at the .jpeg I do not see those lines. Thanks, Abbie
I love it. We will use this for our t-shirt in our YW New Beginning.
Maraming Salamat all the way from Philippines.
I figured it out!!! yeah for me!!! no need to email me, thanks again!!
Sure thing!
These are very beautiful! But alas, I’m in primary, not YW. Have you considered making some with the 2013 primary theme? I would love to have them for my presidency and teachers. I’m sure many others would too! 😉
Hi Liberty, Yes I have been asked about them in Primary but man alive Primary needs 12 PER class! Yikes! I just don’t have that time to make 123542 folder covers- LOL. If there is a way to create just ONE per class/presidency member, I would be more than happy to make one! (: XOXO
I think you would only need to make one or two. Just keep it simple, no titles such as president etc. Your creative design and the theme “I Am a Child of God” would be fantastic. A feminine one for the presidency and sister teachers and a more masculine one for the brethern primary teachers. I love your style! I know your time is valuable so I completely understand.
It’s live! Thanks Liberty (: xoxo
I would also like to have this printed larger to hang in our YW room. Would it be possible to get the blank one in 24×36?
On this page it looks horizontal which would be perfect for our room,vertical would work to if that is how it is formated.
I so wish I were as talented as you are so I could do things like this! Thanks for sharing!!
LOVE these! They are adorable. I followed your instructions above for downloading the ones without a picture. They download but when I go to open them I can’t find an application that will open them. Can you e-mail them to me as well? Sorry, I probably am just doing it wrong!
All of the links have been fixed. Sorry about that! (:
Hi- I have been trying to print the Stake Camp Director binder cover but it says it cannot find the file. I can see it on my computer, it just can’t print. Ideas? I ended up having to open it with Windows Media in order to view it. During troubleshooting, I downloaded another file to see if it was the file or just a user error. I was able to open and print (the YW Blank file), just can’t print the Stake Camp Director file. Can this be printed at a photo store? It says it’s supposed to be an 8.5×11 but it prints smaller.
Sorry about that- All of the links have been fixed. (:
You don’t by chance make them for primary do you? I have been looking around and yours are by far my favorite… all about the chevron and the gray color! They are super cute!
http://lollyjane.com/2013-primary-binder-covers/ Enjoy Chelsey!
I love your work! I’m trying to enlarge the image so I can frame it and hang it in our YW room. I’m having some trouble. Would you be able to send me a pdf to my email at [email protected]? Not sure if the formatting is just for an 8 X 10? Is it possible to go larger? Your work is just beautiful…
Thank you for the added touches to make this theme so great.
Hey. I’m having trouble downloading them too. Can you email them to me at [email protected]? I’d really appreciate it! They are the cutest ones I’ve seen, and I’d love to use them. I just need the class presidency ones. Thank you!!!
Darn it! I’ll try to upload them again… in the meantime, check your email in a bit 😉
Love the binder covers. Love your site!!
I’m just an advisor, I don’t do the binder thing…;)
Thank you so much. It is absolutely adorable
Do you have a stake YW version? This is too adorable!
Hi Brittany,
I don’t have one for stake but can certainly whip one up! E-mail me and I can send it to you 🙂 [email protected]
It’s in the file now! Enjoy!
These are so cute! Would you mind if my ward used these for a Super Saturday craft for our young women?
Thanks for asking! We’re happy to share our work for your YW. Maybe they’ll be future Lolly Jane readers?? 😉
I love your site! I stumbled on it as I was searching for YW binder covers, and I absolutely adore what you’ve created for 2013! I can’t seem to get the files that don’t show the image to download. My computer doesn’t know what to open them with… any tips? Thanks so much for sharing!!
Hi Wendi,
I just sent you an email 🙂
Woah! Big template change. I like it! The social media banner is very cute!
Thank you Kristina! Major difference, huh! Thanks for poppin by 🙂
Love it Kristi!
Thanks, twin. 😉
You’re welcome, m’dear! 🙂