How to make printable art with stock graphics
As you know, we LOVE printables! We offer a huge variety of free tags, holiday prints and year round art here on Lolly Jane. If you’ve ever wondered HOW we make them, we’ll share just how we do it! I know there are people WAY more talented than us that create their own images from scratch to make pretty prints but we are limited to Photoshop Elements or because we’re too old of dogs to learn new tricks. 😉 Our biggest secret? Stock images! Yep, so simple.
Here’s the easy how-to:
- Download a stock graphic.
- Upload into Photoshop or PicMonkey.
- Add text around it.
- Save as PDF to get stellar resolution.
- Print + display!
Seriously, that’s it. Ha! And you thought we were SO skilled… or more realistically, that making a print is harder than just that. 😉 To show you a few samples of what I’m talking about, take a peek at our latest free printable:
[Download free Scooter Print here]
Side Note: You may not know this about me, but I own a pink scooter! It is so darn cute and has a pink helmet to match! So anyway, when I saw an adorable scooter graphic in the Summer Travel Graphics set on our fave graphics go-to site, GraphicStock, I immediately downloaded it then cropped the scooter out of the set to play with it in my Photoshop Elements. Oh! Speaking of pretty things to display in your eating area… did you see our Mini “Gather” Signs we made earlier this week using the wreath graphic from the Wedding Graphics set? Hello, gorgeous!
Take a look at more of our freebies like our Love You Madly watercolor free printable,
our Sing in the Rain free print,
and our Be Thankful for All Things free printable to name a few!
plus our
So am I understanding this right? If you save a graphic as a PDF, you can print in any size, even poster size?
Another question: where do you find your graphic images? I only know of graphics fairy. Are there other great websites?
Hi Lori! Yes, save as PDF for higher res, print at Staples or Office Max! You can even print at Walgreen, Costco, etc. We got these graphics from Graphic Stock 🙂
Hi! I’m curious as to sizing options? I’d love to make something that I could take to be printed that is more poster sized. Does this work for those sizes? Thanks so much!
It does! It’s got to be a high res printable. We’ve had some of ours blown up to 16×20
Hi ladies!
If you wanted to sell this scooter printable in etsy, for example, would you need to purchase a copyright or since you paid for the stock graphic site is it ok? I know for Personal use it is ok…just curious about selling.
Thanks creative geniuses!! Xo
Hi Dawn, I actually asked the same thing and was told a commercial license was $10k, wow!!
Signed up for the free trial. I like the Retro Restaurant Art the best. I would use this for the monthly brunch that I have with my family that don’t live close. I would also like to use this: Thanks for the chance!
That’s a cute idea!
Love the printables! especially the one with the scooter!
Thanks, Shawnna!
Congrats, you won the Amazon gift card Shawwna! Yay! GraphicStock will be emailing you soon 🙂
Summer Travel graphics will be great to record our road trips, I’ll also like for fall home decors.
Cute choices!