lolly faves
It’s been a bit since we’re shared our 5 faves, we’ve been so busy with our girly bathroom makeover! HALLELUJAH, it’s done and we WON and are soooo excited!! I may have cried. Yes, I definitely cried! ALL that stress paid off, literally!
Last night at Sunday dinner we got into a heated debate out iPhones and kids. EVERYONE has an opinion. One of us wants to get kids flip phones whereas the other one of us believes they need to exercise their agency and navigate the scary world of internet safety with the guidance of Mom and Dad. Can’t their be a happy medium? Enter Family Social Guide. It’s a guide to teach your littles about internet safety and teaches parents how to communicate effectively. BONUS: Use LOLLY7 to get $7 off!!
Tickle Me Plant or Sensitive Plant? Whatever they’re called, we are on the hunt for them locally! Our friend introduced us to them and they are so pretty but also fun to “play with”. If you touch their leaves, they fold up! And they go to “sleep” at night where their leaves fold in, how cute is that! We found some tickle me plants on Amazon that we’ll nab if we don’t find them at our local nursery.
During our bathroom renovation, our contractor used my favorite buffalo check rug to kneel on to work. Kind of weird that he didn’t ask? Even worse, he thew it away (or stole it?) as its missing! I had to order a new one from Amazon! But the good news is I spotted this cute hello rug to buddy up with said buffalo check rug, if you’re in the market for one.
This pretty picture from Kindred Vintage has been making its way around Pinterest again and it still makes our decor loving heart swoon! Check out this clever Ikea hack for yourself!
Our 5th fave is one that has saved our newsletter necks! If you’re in the business world and looking to grow your own newsletter list, our pal Matt has created an easy-to-follow course to get you set up. It teaches you how to put your work on autopilot, worth every penny! Thought we’d share in case you’re in the market.
What are you crushing on this week?