Kids Craft: How to Make Sock Snakes

Use up those mismatched socks to create no sew sock snakes. Fun and simple kids craft, so easy to make!

Fun easy sock snakes!
Yesterday I took my 10 year old daughter on AZ Midday, channel 12 news with me. She was so excited to head up her own live craft segment where she featured easy craft for kids.  It was pretty funny to listen to her chat with the host saying “I didn’t decide” and “I don’t know”.
We made these dollar store craft sock snakes a couple of years ago when she was bored one day during the summer.  My 6 year old son was excited that the older girls were letting him play with them, he got to make his own boy version of a snake.
We went to the dollar store and picked up 2 pair of socks for $1/each…major score!  That’s 4 snakes for $2!
Fun and simple kids craft, sock snakes! Easy to make!
… ssssssssssss …
My now 4 year old daughter loved making her snake “Lue Lue” out of her LaLaLoopsy socks!  Isn’t the bow so cute?  It was adorable watching my 10 year old show her how to make the snake and help her with the glue gun, I got to sit back and take pics of them creating.  Loved it.

supplies to make sock snakes

Grab some cute socks from the dollar store or use up all those lost socks and give them new life.

Supplies to make "Sock Snakes"

  • sock
  • buttons or googley eyes
  • ribbon or felt
  • scissors
  • hot glue + gun
  • rice (or beans)
  • rubber band

How to make a sock snake

There are two ways to make the snakes.

option one

This snake requires hot glue and the face in the same end, but either way works.
The glue is a little more secure since rubber bands can break and you surely don’t want rice flying all over the place.
DIY tutorial: easy kid craft, sock snakes!


Tie a rubber band around the open end of the sock, making the face out of the other end. (This is an old picture but you can see the bands on the backside.)
How to make a sock snake using an old sock and rice! No sew kids activities are our favorite! #nosewkidscraft #kidscraft #kidscraft #kidsactivity #kidsactivies #howtomakesocksnakes #socksnakediy #socktoy

option two

This snake requires hot glue and the face in the same end, but either way works.
The glue is a little more secure since rubber bands can break and you surely don’t want rice flying all over the place.
DIY tutorial: easy kid craft, sock snakes!
Whichever option you use, the next steps go along with both:
Fill your sock with rice, lots of rice.  Beans or stuffing will work too!
This is good for your kids to do it themselves, it teaches them patience and allows them to problem solve if there are any spills.
How to make sock snakes!
Snip a little tongue from felt, ribbon or fabric.
Easy kid craft, sock snakes!
Hot glue it in the center of the sock opening then hot glue the whole “mouth” shut.
Easy sock snake tutorial!
Glue on eyes or buttons.
Hot glue is all you need to make sock snakes!
Really easy kid craft, sock snakes!
Your kiddos will love this fun and easy craft since they can do the bulk of it themselves.
DIY tutorial: easy kid craft, sock snakes!

Visit more kid friendly ideas

Check out all our kids crafts and summer ideas too!

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  1. So cute!! I love the bow!! Isn’t always the way that our kids don’t talk when we want them to? So funny! Glad you got to have a wonderful memory with your daughter! Can I get her autograph now? 🙂

  2. Hi, friend! Happy 4th of July! I'm admiring all your creative posts here. Can you please share them at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? Hope to see you there at the party 🙂

  3. This looks easy enough for me to tackle, yahoo!! =)

    Jenn @ Crafty Gals

  4. Love this! Easy peasy for the children to create… great summmer blockbuster for sure 🙂

  5. Hee hee- these are super cute! Bet the kiddo's are loving them! xo

    :)Auntie Kristi

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