2015 YW Binder Covers

I was at a play date earlier this week and one of my oldest and dearest friends, Katie, asked me when I was going to publish the 2015 Young Women Binder Covers to coordinate with the 2015 LDS Youth Theme as we offered sets in 2013 and 2014. I promised her I would so after a quiet night of finishing the last of my DVR’d Hallmark Christmas flicks, viola! 2015 Young Women Binder Covers just for Katie… and thousands of other LDS leaders who work with the female youth in our church. 😉

2015 Young Women LDS Binder Covers (includes blank, President, Counselors + Secretary covers!) FREE 8x10 via lollyjane.com

I love the words for this years theme: “Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.” (D&C 4:2)

Both Kelli and I have served with the Youth for years (ages 12-18) and years! Right now I’m working in the Relief Society (ages 18+) and my husband is working with the Primary children (ages 4-11) but don’t hold your breath for those covers as I am already a week late this year! LOL!

2015 Young Women LDS Binder Covers for the mutual theme (includes blank, President, Counselors + Secretary covers!) FREE 8x10 via lollyjane.com


Download all (5) 8×10 covers + 11×17 poster size for free // HERE

Disponible en Español + 11×17 cartel! // AQUI

Baixar em Português  // AQUI


Hope you find these covers useful!  We would love a Pin or Facebook share as a thank you! 😉 In the meantime, check out more of our LDS printables/ideas

The Family Proclamation print // “Stop It” quote by Pres. Uchtdorf // YWIE Awards Show theme // New Beginnings Dr. Seuss theme 

Family Proclamation | free printable from www.lollyjane.com

A great quote to remind us to stop being so critical of each other |print via lollyjane.com

Young Women in Excellence: Award Show theme! Lots of ideas! #yw #lds #ywie #youngwomens

New Beginnings Dr. Seuss decorating ideas including these adorable "truffala trees"

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  1. Thanks so much for sharing these covers. I am always amazed at the talent I find and that you are willing to share them for free. Thanks for making it possible for our presidency to have cute binder covers. It is just that extra little thing that helps us feel just a little more unified in purpose.

  2. I am a new Y W Secretary. I tried 3 times to print the Y W Binder Covers, but they came out blank each time. What am I doing wrong?

  3. Finally getting around to printing these. I feel so loved. (: Thanks for the printable Kristi. And if Im still in YW next year I’ll make sure to bug you again!

  4. I love it! Thank you for sharing! Would you mind making on in Portuguese? The words would be:
    Embark: Embarcai
    In the: no
    Service: serviço
    of God: de Deus.
    Hugs from Brazil!

  5. I work with the YW here in VT and we don’t have a lot of cool stuff like this around (not a lot of members, darn it) so thanks for sharing. I am going to print these for my Laurels, they will think I am the “hip” leader 😀

    1. Do you think you’ll be doing a YM version? I know most men aren’t even that organized but thought I would ask since my husband serves with them in our branch. Thanks again!

      1. Well anything we can do to keep you HIP! (;
        I didn’t even think about that b/c you’re right, most YM aren’t as detailed as us. Hee hee! I don’t think we’ll be doing a young men version but LDS.org has several “gender neutral” logos you could use + I’ve seen a handful of the nautical theme’d ones on Pinterest. Thanks!

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