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Mustard Yellow Buffet

Who says a buffet belongs exclusively in the dining room? See how this one got new life, and a bold new color, as a working console!

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Mustard Yellow Buffet

I love this buffet.  It was my great-grandmothers dining room buffet before it was handed down to our mother. She recently inherited a piano from our grandfather and didn’t have the space for both so she offered me the buffet on one condition: I must not paint it! ?

I explained to our mom that in its current condition (above/before shot) it was disrespectful to the piece to leave as-is. With years of neglect, it has a broken drawer, faded spots, rings from cups, missing hardware, and etc. She agreed and gave me her blessing… yay! I got to work right away.

buffet into tv console

After making some small repairs, I painted the buffet (color is Jackson Square by Valspar) then replaced knobs with these fun finds from Michael’s dollar bin. Ultimately I was left with a pretty buffet but not pretty TV/cords. Want to see my secret solution?With the help of my sweet dad (conveniently my next-door-neighbor!) I cut the drawer apart and added hinges so we could tuck our cable box inside and simply close the drawer when the tv is off.  Brilliant, right?

I’m not going to lie, this project I thought would be simple but am not afraid to admit it ended up being a bit out of my league.  I’m so glad my dad is handy and took over for me.  All I had to do was screw in the hinges, and I stunk at it!  I recruited my husband to help Dremel out the space for said hinges so it’s actually functional– hooray! LOL.  So I stink at turning regular drawers into hinged drawers, but at least I can paint decently right?

the chippiness.  

It doesn’t scratch the actual wood but just chips away the mustard yellow paint so if I ever do refinish it back to it’s bare bones, I won’t have to repair anything.  

Let’s have one more look at the before…

…and after! I’m so happy to have inherit this lovely buffet-turned-tv-console!

In memory of my great-grandma, and to have a piece of her in my home, I purposely left the top alone… aww.

Alright folks, let me have it as my mom says I should prepare for some backlash… ha! Would YOU have painted your great-grandma’s 100 year old buffet? 😉 And now, 7 years later, would you turn it back into its original color, repaint it a fun hue, or leave it? Leave a comment to weigh in!


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Would you repaint, strip + stain or leave the yellow buffet? ⁣⁣? ⁣⁣ This beauty belonged to my great-grandmother on my dad’s side and it’s my favorite piece of furniture I own. I painted it several years ago because the stain was in rough shape but with all the raw wood trends, I’m considering stripping it down and return it to its former (and improved) glory.⁣⁣.. ⁣⁣ On another note, I had a lot of fun watching Kristi’s husband Cory finish the trim around the new Dutch doors last night…hence all the dust in this pic? Did you catch it in our stories? (It’s saved in the “Dutch Door” story highlight on our profile if you missed it!)⁣ ⁣ Back to the buffer… oh, what a difference a decade makes—SWIPE RIGHT ??⁣⁣ It’s been such a blessing to live in and (slowly) renovate our childhood home.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Follow the progression of the entryway: ⁣ •Second picture is what it looked like when we moved in. ⁣⁣ •Followed by board and batten we installed, played with for a few years.⁣⁣ •Removed and repaired the drywall, painted the whole room gray. ⁣⁣ •Installed barnwood shiplap. ⁣⁣ •Built an easy shelf that was fun to decorate seasonally.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ All the DIY’s are documented on our blog, just search “entryway” on LollyJane.com ???

A post shared by Kristi + Kelli ⌂ Lolly Jane (@lollyjaneblog) on

UPDATE FEB 20201… ta-da!


We did it! Hello newly stripped buffet! You can see the whole process in our Instagram stories... love the new look so much. Do YOU??


Love this makeover? Check out more furniture transformations:

Check Out How To Paint Furniture The Ridiculously Easy Way: This Easy DIY Painted Furniture Project Before And After Looks Amazing! You'll Love This Gorgeous Gray Hutch With Floral Paper Makeover. Such A Dramatic Before After Furniture Makeover Using Less Than A Jar Of Paint And Some Wallpaper. #diy #paintedfurniture #makeover #furniture #homedecor




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  1. I literally have this same exact buffet! And I took a small survey b/c I had mixed emotions about painting a 100 year old piece of furniture. Everyone said PAINT IT! So I will be off to Lowe’s this weekend for the paint! Thanks for the great idea!

  2. LOVE IT!!! The color is FABULOUS! My Mom has an old buffet too… fingers crossed that I can put my hands on it someday!

    Did you sand the buffet before you painted it?

    1. Thanks, C!! No sanding…I’m a lazy painter (; I wanted the true color underneath so when I distressed it, the original color would show through (:

  3. So I have this huge buffet that is similar to yours, also being used as a tv stand. I bought it at a thrift store with the precise intent of doing just what you’ve done – painting it and making it beautiful again. It has been two years and I haven’t gotten to it, but your post has inspired me! Thank you for showing me what I need to do. And I love changing the top drawer into a space for the electronics. You’re fabulous!!!

  4. I would DEFINITELY paint my grandmother’s buffet if only I had it 🙁
    I like how you’re using it as a tv stand. I have mine on an old drop-leaf table.
    I am currently in the middle of a family room redecoration and have been trying to decide what to do to the table and you have inspired me to paint it! Thank you!

  5. it’s absolutely beautiful! i love that you kept the top intact to show off its history.

  6. I recently inherited some vintage furniture from my inlaws. A dining room suite and a bedroom suite. The furniture is from the late 70’s and has a bit of spanish flair to it. But it’s dark, and it has that ohsowonderful effect of stain splatter that was so popular. It think I might like it as is more if there weren’t those little black splatter spots everywhere. Anyhoo….if I could get away with it, I would absolutely give it all a good coat of paint! Maybe some white. The GINORMOUS china hutch is screaming turquoise at me though. =)

  7. I think it looks great, and you painted it a nice shade that works with the age of the piece, now had it been neon yellow I might not agree 🙂

  8. I love how this turned out-and the clever hideaway for your cable box. Mustard yellow has been one of my recent faves for painting furniture-and YES I would have painted over an heirloom (and have done just that). I really don’t get why some people get so upset about painting furniture?? Great job!

    1. Hey Korrie! I know, difference of opinions, right?? The dark wood was killing the mood in our bright living room. The pop of color is so pretty and reminds me of the sunny personality I’m told my great-grandmother inhibited (:

  9. Don’t feel guilty about having painted it. It looks lovely. I would never have painted it personally. My hubby and I like the traditional look. So, your buffet would have been restored at my house along with your cute little trick! Just so you know I also have my Great Grandma’s Buffet. My Grandpa had left an iron on it and it burned right through the one inch thick oak top! It was quite the site when I received it. It has an oak veneer top and it beautiful piece of furniture again! Plus I love the storage it provides! I bet you do too!

  10. It looks amazing! Painting it was a great choice! My dream is to one day paint an old upright piano to put in my living room.

  11. Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an very long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyhow, just wanted to say fantastic blog!

  12. I can't believe I found this blog! I don't know if you remember me but I used to be in your ward. I'm happy to be a follower!

  13. I adore that mustard yellow paint…who would have thought!

    I'm about to undertake the restoration of a dressing table to make a office desk. It has sweet curved drawers, lovely legs and a square front that I am not even sure what call it! Best of all, it has original glass nobs to die for!
    I'm trying the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint for the first time. If you care to see the "before" check out my blog smallhouseunderabigsky.wordpress.com

    Small House / Big Sky Donna

  14. I think you are Insane-ly Talented. Great Job, don't you love it when a plan comes together.

  15. Oh, and I meant to add, I paid $70 for my buffet and hauling costs, and I was going to resell it on Craigslist "as is" without paint and stuff, and someone offered me $180 for it!! Whoa! But I fell in love with it and couldn't think to sell that baby!!! Lol

  16. Looks great!! I wouldn't have thought twice about slapping some paint on the mamma jamma. Lol. I recently scored an awesome vintage buffet from the thrift store that I plan to use for the same purpose as a TV stand. And it has tons of storage for the kids stuff!

    If you want to see a pic of it, check my blog and click on the tab "Upcoming Projects." The buffet is there, along with all my other thrift store goodies just screaming for paint and fabric! Lol


  17. I am totally in love with the buffet and the color! I am getting ready to finish up something in that color as well..I must say I felt a little intimidated by the color, just alone make a really strong statement. I like the little distressed it, it looks complete like that! Great job!

  18. The buffet was gorgeous as is, but now that you painted it, it is stunning! I am in love with it!
    I am definitely featuring it on Tuesday!
    Thanks for coming by to link up…I would love to have you back this week!
    See you there!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  19. this is soooo pretty! I love the color! I recently redid a buffet and I painted it white- seeing this makes me ready to do it again, only in yellow this time!

  20. It is 100% better! I'm not gonna lie, I would be more than a little nervous about painting such an heirloom, but it did turn out pretty fabulous!! Plus, you left the top to respect the piece, and I think that's a nice touch. All in all, great job! Oh, and by the way, I love the use you found for it — way cooler than buying a regular old media console 🙂

    I did some painting this week, too — my first big piece ever! I'd love for you to come check it out: http://homesweetsnl.blogspot.com/2012/03/sunroom-redo-part-2-painting-laminate.html

  21. GORGEOUS. And, yes, you did right and you did good. I'll bet Mom is even proud of the makeover that her Mom's buffet received. Every old girl can use a little makeup now and then.
    I found you at the Bloghop posted on my page, PICKINandPAINTIN.blogspot.com. Im now following you and hope that you'll follow back.

  22. Love the color on this piece! Fresh and Fab! I have an antique buffet that my husband wanted to hinge like that, I told him no way. I have a dresser he's going to do it to though. 🙂

  23. The color is beautiful! I never wouldve though the before and after were the same piece.

  24. I love it!! SO clever with the hinged opening! And, the color?? LOVE!

    I've totally pinned this! 🙂

  25. No backlash here. I'd paint it in a minute. Now you have something that you love AND it has sentimental value. Perfect! It looks amazing.

  26. This looks awesome Kelli!!! The bright yellow really brightens the room. I love how it stayed in the family too 🙂

  27. This turned out gorgeous! The color choice was perfect!

    Stopping over from 30 Handmade Days 🙂

  28. I LOVE it! It is so YOU. I am sure your Grandma will love the fact that you took something that she loved and turned it into something just as beautiful. ♥

  29. Kelli, it's gorgeous and perhaps your great grandma would agree. The main thing is that y'all can enjoy it and be thankful to have it. This is making me think it's yours to enjoy and otherwise you might have been ready to sell it. Your project is making me rethink some of my inherited pieces, that we are afraid devaluing! Thanks! Helen

  30. How sweet to have a piece of your family right there with you! This color is magnificent! Love the hinge idea – brilliant! I also love the top staying wood…gorgeous makeover.

  31. Love the yellow and the little door! My philosophy is that if you are giving a piece new life and new love, then it's all good!

  32. Love the yellow and the little door! My philosophy is that if you are giving a piece new life and new love, then it's all good!

  33. FYI: I write back every.single.person that comments but a good handful of you are no-reply bloggers. Sad! So if I ignored your cute comment, it's not on purpose (: Promise!

    Thanks for all the love, guys. I'm so glad Great-Grandma hasn't haunted me out of anger thus far (;

  34. Love the yellow! Am getting reaady to do an old family dresser for a guest room. Would you mind sharing what shade and kind of paint you used? Thanks for the inspiration and the nudge to go yellow!!

  35. You have rescued this 100 yr. old dinosaur and turned it into something of beauty and interest! Had it stayed the way it was, it would have been relegated to your attic or basement to collect dust and eventually die.

  36. I LOVE this console!! I personally would have no problem painting my Grandmother's 100 year old buffet – it has a whole new life now! Great job! Love the little hinged drawer!

  37. Oh no…this is perfect! This hutch would smile if it had lips! lol I LOVE what you did, I wish you were closer, I need a 1940's Queen Anne bedroom set re-done…..:) Sandy

    Old furniture gets new life with paint!

  38. Gorgeous! The mustard yellow looks like it belongs on this piece. 🙂 I have some similar wood pieces inherited from my grandmother that I'm semi-terrified to paint (I'm not as good as you, Kelli!) but I know ultimately she would be okay with it because she always wanted me to be happy. 😉 I love that you left the top alone to help keep her spirit with you!

  39. This is beautiful! I love the bright yellow.

    I saw your granite eggs on Its Overflowing. They were awesome! I'm a new follower. I'd love for you to follow me back, but no pressure!

  40. You definitely did the right thing. And I bet your great grandma would agree. Sentiment is ok, but that thing needed some tlc, and you gave it that. Well done.

  41. Oh! It turned out beautifully ! Go bold or go home with that yellow!! It's perfect!
    I've got a similar piece my mom is pushing me to take now- which would make it a tv console- cause I just don't have the space for anything else.
    Annnd, I used to have the couch set to match the leather chair you have in the corner! Funny!
    xo Becca

  42. Oh, I LOVE it!! I love that you left the top the same (only because I am totally a sentimental person) but, you picked the perfect color and honestly, I bet your great grandmother would love that you put some love and care into it. It is GORGEOUS! I wish you lived closer and could help me as I am slowly redoing my front room. Sigh.

  43. It looks beautiful! i'm not sure I would've had the guts to paint a piece that old, but you did a great job! 🙂

  44. Yay! I'm so glad you're inspired!! (: And I'm happy no one has berated me, LOL!

    I love that old furniture can come back to life with an affordable option, paint!

    (: Kelli

  45. I love your buffet! I have one almost exactly like it that was already painted green when I bought it in a little cottage furniture shop. But I was never crazy about the green color. A little dark. You have inspired me to paint mine and I was just thinking tonight about doing it, and then saw this post! I am excited!

  46. YEP! I just got one last summer from my Grandmother and you better believe that puppy is going to be painted as soon as we move into our own home so I know what color I want it. And funny thing… We did exactly what you did to the top drawer! FABULOUS! We also did it to the bottom drawer for our video game console!!!

  47. You did an awesome job! I love your solution for the cable box. I inherited my grandparents' buffet that I'd love to paint, but I'm scared to take the leap.

  48. I have this rule: "I can paint anything I buy, but not furniture passed down in the family" BUT in your case, with it really in need of help, I probably would have painted it, too! Your grandmother would love the bright cheery yellow! Well done!

  49. I love vintage pieces like this and this one turned out great. I especially love the hinged drawer. I think that making old vintage pieces (even heirlooms) relevant and fresh is better than leaving them old and neglected.

  50. yes, I would have painted it! I have a couple of pieces in my home that "I'm not allowed to paint!" …and I'm embarrassed of them, and can't wait to get something to replace them! If I could just paint them, I'd LOVE them! Be Proud of them, even…I'm glad you were brave! I'm not brave enough to defy my MIL!

  51. I would have painted it. LoOVE it! My grandpa had one almost exactly like it…wonder if I could get my hands on it?..

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