
EASY butterbeer ice cream float

Potterheads! Who else is counting down for the eighth Harry Potter story that releases in just 19 days?!

EASY and YUMMY Butterbeer Ice Cream Float!

We can hardly wait for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two (Special Rehearsal Edition)!

EASY and YUMMY Butterbeer Ice Cream Float!

Rumor has it this script book shares Harry’s life as a dad while he works at the Ministry of Magic. (I always wanted to work in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes… what a cool job THAT would be to cast/repair spells all day?!)

EASY and YUMMY Butterbeer Ice Cream Float!

In the meantime I’ll just sip on my Butterbeer Float and pretend… 😉 



  • 1/4 C. vanilla creamer
  • 1/4 C. butterscotch topping
  • 2 C. vanilla cream soda
  • Vanilla ice cream
  • Whipped cream or cool whip


  1. Pour can of vanilla Cream Soda into chilled glass
  2. Add butterscotch topping + vanilla creamer, stir a few times until mixed.
  3. Add 2 scoops of ice cream over the stirred cream soda.
  4. Drizzle butterscotch topping.
  5. Chill in freezer for 8-10 minutes then enjoy!
  6. OPTIONAL: Add Butterbeer label with double sided sticky tape. (Note: would love to know the source of this image; found on a google search with no link back to the designer.)



EASY and YUMMY Butterbeer Ice Cream Float!

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