Search Results for: apple

The adoption option

The adoption option

I spent the weekend in Washington state visiting my son’s birthfamily and had a great time.  We simply adore them 🙂  Anyway I thought a lot about his story and how grateful I am that his sweet birthmom chose the adoption option and how different my life is because of her choice: {Picture by Marry…

Summer blocks

Summer blocks

 We can’t totally claim rights to these fun blocks.  A darling friend, Kristen, from church takes the award for creativity…dontcha just adore the banner on the “S” – it matches the background on the first “M”…such cute details.  Anyway, we provided vinyl for this project at our church craft night and wanted to share the ♥ with you.  This is…

Lemonade stand

Lemonade stand

When we think of summer fun, it always includes sweet lemonade so we thought we would spruce up the lemonade stand we found at a yard sale for a whoppin’ $4.  Loving our lemonade stand, a quick redo!     Before it was just white with some chalkboard paint.  Kind of bland, right?  We added…

Dulce de Leche Carmelitas

Dulce de Leche Carmelitas

In honor of Cindo de Mayo (aiy yai yaiii!) we made dulce de lecha carmelita’s.   I got this muy delicioso recipe called Dulce de Leche Carmelitas from my blog friend Jessica and the dulce de leche was sent from mi amiga en Argentina (¡gracias Cintia!) and we just love everything about the combination 🙂  Mmmm. Alright…

Mother’s Day DIY ideas

Mother’s Day DIY ideas

Since a lot of you are probably like us and are either “naptime-crafters”, “stay-up-all-night-crafters” or the worst kind…”procrastinator-crafters”, this post should suit you beautifully 😉 Introducing some DIY Mother’s Day ideas from our past posts. Hopefully one of these describes that special lady in your life: the Sentimental mom: If she prefers crafty, this just may make her…

Drawstring bag
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Drawstring bag

My little man received a fun block set for Christmas but, it came in a box.  A dumb box that you can’t flap shut and doesn’t store well… plus, it’s ugly and doesn’t match his nursery so I knew I needed something else 😉    My solution?  A drawstring bag!     I ♥ that I can simply suffocate those…