Search Results for: rug

village christmas tree

village christmas tree

gather up bottle brush trees + Putz-style houses and create this “Village Christmas Tree” in no time at all! Village Christmas Tree If you know Lolly Jane, you know we love COLOR!  (Especially if you saw last year’s white tree we decorated, wow!) When we spotted Matha’s winter village wreath, we knew we wanted to…

AZ garden tips

AZ garden tips

Our dad is an agronomist. He’s basically a doctor of dirt…which means he tests soil for various farmer and lets them know what’s wrong with their crops.  You’d think his offspring would have automatic green thumbs, right?  Wrong! Our oldest brother’s wife does but the rest of us? We take after our mom (;  When…

Meet these Mormons

Meet these Mormons

We’ve shared about our faith many times before.  We want you to know the blogger behind the blog.  We are Kristi & Kelli and we belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints aka “The Mormons”. (Read about our name here.) We are excited to team up with over 65+ bloggers… to extend…