Search Results for: DIY

Recycled baby blanket

    Once upon a time, I had a beautiful baby girl who adored her pink blankey.   Fast forward 7 years to a now small blanket for a growing girl. Instead of putting it away, I decided to recycle it into something she would use: Keep in mind I made this strictly with a…


Jewelry Holder

Our sis made this much needed organizer for her humble jewelry collection. Her DIY deets: Frame was free {recycled from a sister}. Painted/distressed it it from white to grey-blue {had spray paint on hand}. Added a piece of plywood to the back{free/had on hand}. Fabric: 1/2 off coupon at JoAnns {$2} Added knobs {$4} Total cost:…

Birthday Board

Birthday Board

With 9 children and over 30 grandchildren,our parents were going crazy trying to keep all those birthday organized to deliver birthday cards and gifts on time. We thought we’d help out, the good daughters that we are! 😉 We created a way to have all the birthdays in one place while still being stylish & matching…