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Free Christmas printable

Free Christmas printable

Excited to share our Free Christmas printable with you all today, Merry Christmas! You’ll notice Kris & I were a lot more gung ho about the holidays leading up to Christmas vs. Christmas itself.  Oh yes, we were raised with all the glitz, glamour and fun of it, but our dear parents also emphasized on the “reason for the season.“  Now…

Patterned pumpkins

Patterned pumpkins

I have a set of white pumpkins I got on clearance at Michael’s a few years ago and had the cute “BOO” for Halloween on one side and on the other had “Give Thanks” with an acorn. But it was so white.  And so BLAH.  So, I spruced it up with just a bit of acrylic paint, bling &…

2-for-1 holiday {trio}

Now that Halloween is {almost} over, we’re excited to decorate for Thanksgiving!…and since I’m a HUGE 2-for-1 fan…Christmas too! {Thanksgiving trio}  Argggh, I took a bazillion pics to show you all how I made these fun&festive blocks and they didn’t transfer over!! So I’ll have to tell you how to make them.  Good news though,…

Recycled baby blanket

    Once upon a time, I had a beautiful baby girl who adored her pink blankey.   Fast forward 7 years to a now small blanket for a growing girl. Instead of putting it away, I decided to recycle it into something she would use: Keep in mind I made this strictly with a…


Jewelry Holder

Our sis made this much needed organizer for her humble jewelry collection. Her DIY deets: Frame was free {recycled from a sister}. Painted/distressed it it from white to grey-blue {had spray paint on hand}. Added a piece of plywood to the back{free/had on hand}. Fabric: 1/2 off coupon at JoAnns {$2} Added knobs {$4} Total cost:…

Candy Corn {tree}

I saw a similar idea in Women’s Day mag.  Love! { I switched it up slightly by adding ribbon…what?-it’s a smidge different! 😉 } Best part?  I made it for $1! DIY: Supplies:  vase {I recycled mine} branches {from your yard} candy corn {$1 store} hot glue gun Directions: Fill vase with floral foam {mine…