Search Results for: entryway

You and Me printable art! Love this simple Valentines Day print for an easy wall treatment! Looking for easy Valentines Day decorations? Save and print this pink you and me Valentine's Day printable art! #valentinesdaydecor #loveprint #allyouneedislove #allyouneedisloveprint #printableart #vdayart

Set of 3 Valentine’s Day Printable Decorations

Make easy Valentines Day decor with these pretty pink prints! Instantly download and print this darling set of 3 Valentine’s Day printable decorations to use for DIY wall art, crafts, banners, art, cards and more! We’re less than a month away from Valentine’s Day but no worries, we’ve giving you free printable art to adorn…

Love this darling farmhouse ceiling mount idea in this clean entryway! #ceilingmountlight #flushmountlight #entyrwaydecor #entrywayideas #farmhouselight #farmhouseentryway #homedecor

13 Affordable Designer Style Lights Under $100 from Walmart!

Life is too short for builder grade flush mounted lights. Check out 13 affordable designer style lights under $100! Can you believe these gorgeous ceiling mounted lights are from Walmart? We’ve been renovating our little farmhouse room by room and chuckle at the many “boob lights” that were here from the 70’s. Dim room? Add…

Farmhouse hallyway makeover: love these five panel doors, stripe hallway gallery wall, pendant lighting and an old chippy door for the bathroom!

Must Have Tools for Homeowners to Prevent Damage and Save you Money!

Check out these must have tools for homeowners. Think deeper than your everyday hammer and screwdriver, these tools can save you stress and money! You likely know what basic tools you’ll use most often as a homeowner: a hammer and nails for picture hanging, a screwdriver or even drill plus bit set for putting furniture…

So true, LOL! Take care of your wood floors with these simple tips! #swiffer #woodfloors #iheartwoodfloors

Keep your wood floors clean with our not-so-dirty little secret… the Swiffer WetJet Wood!

Keep your wood floors clean with our not-so-dirty little secret… the swiffer WetJet Wood mop! “House was clean. Kids woke up. The end.” –said every parent ever dirty wood floors? With 7 active kids and 3 dogs between us, life happens hard in each of our homes. Sure, a 10-minute pick up can hide the…

DIY Christmas & Holiday Card Display

13 Must Have Affordable Christmas Decor Pieces

Ahhh!!-Wayfair is having their 75% off sale so we thought we’d collect a handful of favorite finds and share them with you! PLUS shipping is FREE so we’ve been utilizing that like crazy! Check out these 13 must have affordable Christmas decor pieces along with ways to incorporate them into your own decor! Boxwood Wreath for $25.99…68%…