
fabric tube necklace

Since I made a thousand 200 of these fabric tube necklaces last week, I thought I’d show off the one I kept for ME 🙂

Disclosure: I’m pretty sure these have been done before in Blogland somewhere, but I actually snagged the idea assignment from my pal Jan, the YW president I serve with in my church.  RaNdOm side note: Does anyone ever go a smidge overboard for girls camp prep?!  Yep, us too!

So anyway, they are SUPER DUPER easy to make and SUPER DUPER cute.
Let’s get started…
You’ll need fabric*, a surger and/or sewing machine and beads.
*Measurements: 70″ long x 3″ wide strip
Yep, that’s it.
1. Cut fabric into 70″ x 3″ strip, fold in half lengthwise.
(Make sure you place it inside out before you surge!)
2. Surge fabric strip, trim ends.
3. Turn fabric right way… much prettier!
4. Insert a bead into the tube.
(Tip: It’s a bit easier if you tie a knot in the center of the tube first)
5. Tie knots on either side of the bead and repeat knot/bead pattern until the entire necklace is beaded.
(Note: Leave about 7-9″ end fabric un-beaded to tie a pretty knot or bow)
6. Stitch ends closed.
Now wasn’t that easy peasy?

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  1. That is such a cute necklace!!! I would love to make on of those!
    Star Hughes Living

  2. I am working on a necklace like that right now! I am hoping to finish it tomorrow! Thanks for sharing yours!

  3. I have been wanting to make one of these… Amy Butler has a free pattern for a necklace like this and it has been sitting in my list of things to make. I need to! This is soooo cute!

  4. Wow that was quite the undertaking. They turned out adorable too and I'm sure the girls loved them. Great job.

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